The greatest impact you can have as a Leader, is to create other great Leaders, that will leave a mark long after you have gone.
Organisational Culture Development
Building a trusting partnership with clients is the first step - and understanding the vision, values, the “essence” of the organisation is the beginning. Using our products, such as The Culture Dial - The Game Plan establishes the current situation of the organisation, and the desired state.
Together, in collaboration - we co-create the interventions, initiatives, and support that will enable growth to occur along desired lines. Measurement can be carried out, in qualitative and quantitive terms if desired - through The Culture Dial.
Leadership Development
The key principle behind our Leadership Development programmes and workshops - is that we learn most though experience. The days of PowerPoints are long gone.
Our carefully and purposefully designed programmes are refined for the specific audience: graduates, first line managers, executives and senior leaders. Each individual is involved in an immersive and personalised experience - that genuinely moves them as human, as leaders and as contributors to the organisation.
The Culture Dial
In partnership with The Congruent Community, The Game Plan has collaborated to develop a unique product on the market. The Culture Dial is a digital, and physical product - that is able to develop individuals understanding of the organisational culture, and give each person a voice in capturing how it is to be a part of the organisation, along with what the critical areas for development are.
Team Dynamics and Development
Often, our first interaction with organisations is around “team building” - whether this is to build connection with each other, or form/re-form relationships; it is a powerful and enjoyable way to galvanise your team.
Executive Coaching
Each of our coaches has vast experience - working in organisations such as the United Nations, to Global Multi-Nationals, self-led and managed teams, professional athletes, and volunteer based organisations. Experience a chemistry session with one of The Game Plan’s coaches, and see if it is the right fit for you.
Book a Consultation
Let’s have a conversation about your vision, and we will assess if we are the right fit for you.