About The Game Plan

The intention of The Game Plan is to have a significant social impact through our actions and our work.

Who we partner with is important to us - we seek to work with like-minded individuals, who value humanity in the workplace.

Working in partnership to develop an organisation’s culture is a major undertaking, and one that requires vision, courage and trust from all involved. We believe that most Leadership and Organisational Coaching programmes are limited in their impact, as they are not connected or aligned to the overall vision, and the intended culture. This leaves leaders and participants frustrated - as there is often a disconnect between their day to day, and the learning experiences they attend.

It is our mission to close that gap, and align the culture - with the leadership programmes, team facilitation and coaching support.

Some of our client partners…

Our accreditations and delivery partners…

Book a Consultation

Let’s have a conversation about your vision, and we will both assess if it is the right fit.